- Villa Park Hotels
- Sunday, November 17th, 2019.
- 11:30am
Developing the Right Capacity for Business and Career Success in the 21st Century!
We live in a very complex society and with each passing day, it gets even more complex. Everyday, competition in business is increasing and requirements for success in your career and business is becoming more difficult.
If you want to succeed in your business, career and life, then this is the most important information you will be getting today.
Here’s why:
- Your level of success is dependent on your capacity.
- The bigger your capacity, the bigger the success you can handle.
- Most people end up small because they have a very small capacity for success.
- Until you develop the right capacity required to achieve your success, you will never be able to attain it.
The 21st century is the most complicated time to be alive and the measure of success keeps getting more complex with each passing day.
If you want to succeed, then you need to join us at the exponential growth conference, as we uncover the secrets to success through developing the right capacity needed to become successful in life, career and business.
- Developing the Capacity for success
- What does it mean to have the capacity for success
- Proven Strategies Practiced By The World’s Top Business leaders
- How To Reverse From Being Trapped In A Limiting Mindset (Get Out Of This Situation Asap Because This Will Slows You Down Or Worse… Prevents You From Attaining Success!)
- Becoming superior in your industry, business and workplace
- The Most Effective Way To Increase your capacity
- Surefire Way To Get Better At Anything In Life!
- 10 Crucial Things You Will Learn From Failing
- You can still achieve your goals this year
- And many more…
Keynote Speaker
Ifeanyi A.C. Eze is the CEO of King’s Uncommon Wisdom Ltd. He is a Business and Financial Service consultant with over 15 years of experience in Business consulting. He is a Best Selling author and Convener of the Inspire Africa Project.
- 07:00 – 09:00
- How Mobile Is Your Business?

Diana Biggs
IBM Fellow
- Hall of fame
Get Your Ticket
Pay Online with your ATM or pay offline via our Bank Account. If you need help, please call 07032681154
Account Details:
King’s Uncommon Wisdom Ltd
For two persons. Attend with your partner or business colleague
Single Conference Tickets.
For just one person.
TEAM of 5
Take your team to the next level. Tickets for a five persons team.
Strength and Growth comes through conscious effort and struggle! ~ Napoleon Hill
Frequently Asked Question
Where and when does the event take place?
The Green Quarter takes place on Sunday 18th May in The Entertainment Quarter, 122 Lang Rd, Moore Park, NSW 2021.
Everyone’s welcome. The festival is a family fun day celebrating Irish culture and heritage but you don’t have to be Irish to attend or enjoy the festival.
Unless stated explicitly in the event information, the Secretariat do not cover transport costs to and from events. It is your responsibility to arrange transport to and from the event. However, the Secretariat will provide specific information, if necessary, to those attending.
This is a free community funded event; there will be buckets at the park entrance for you to have the opportunity to make a gold coin donation.
To allocate tickets and manage our events we use Eventbrite. To reserve a ticket for an event, you must first register with Eventbrite. When you sign up please make sure that you use the same name and email address that we have on file for you. After you have registered with Eventbrite you will be able to save an event for future reference.
We do not provide details of other attendees to scholars. Please use the Facebook group to enquire about others going and to arrange transport or accommodation.