Build A Spiritual Shock Absorber

While preaching in a crusade yesterday, I encouraged the audience to build what I call spiritual shock absorber. One of the most important parts of a car or any vehicle is the shock absorber. You may not know it’s value until you find yourself in a bumpy road.

The reason why people run around when they are facing the challenges of life is that they are spiritually empty. That’s why they go from one man of God to another.

Spiritual shock absorbers are spiritual activities that helps you to become a rugged christian. For example, there is a popular man of God in the United States of America who was afflicted with cancer recently. But before the cancer arrived, he had installed healing scripture from Genesis to Revelation in his Spirit. So when cancer knocked on his door, he knew how to get rid of it and he was declared cancer free.

Unfortunately, the same cancer killed another man of God last year. Why? You may be busy studying the Bible to preach to others while your spirit is totally empty.

Spiritual Shock Absorbers are;

1. The Word.
Since Jesus Christ is the Word (John 1:1-5), it means the more of the Word you bank in your spirit, the more of His presence you radiate.

It’s very painful to know that many Christians carry the Bible around but they do not know what is inside. Apart from using some Psalms to kill their enemies, they are ignorant of what is in the Bible.

While praying for a man that was deaf in one ear sometime ago, I saw the power in the Word. I commanded the ear to open but nothing happened. Then a scripture came alive in my spirit. I remembered that when Jesus prayed for a particular blind man the fist time, he saw men walking like trees. Then, Jesus gave him a second touch, and he was completely healed. So I did the same thing and the ear popped open.

The way Jesus demonstrated His authority at Gadara (Mark chapter 5) gave me the spiritual tenacity to himmilate the devil and his agents. So when I prayed for a mad woman somewhere in the Northern part of Nigeria, all I did was to saturate my spirit with that portion of the Bible and the madness checked out within four minutes.

Eating in the dream is a result of spiritual emptiness. You don’t have scriptures in your spirit that you can use to take charge and force that devil to eat the food before you wake up. Spiritual ruggedity is not possible until you are thoroughly Worded!

Go back to the Bible and feast on it. You don’t have to memorize the verses of the Bible. If you read it for a long time, it will stick to your brain forever. Get good study Bibles to help you. You cannot be thoroughly Worded and be molested by the devil. Brother John said;

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” John 1:1-5.

Did you see that the “W” in the “Word” is in capital letter? Jesus Christ is the Word. So go ahead and feed your spirit with the Word. If you have enough of it in your spirit you can never fear any devil. Jesus sent the devil away in Matthew chapter 4 by simply shooting the Word like bullet. If you want to remain a winner in life you must become a Word addict.

To be continued…

I’m Ifeanyi A. C. Eze. The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven to Africa.Visit and enjoy life changing articles.

Keep soaring!

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