Create Positive Image Through Your Dressing

The first thing people look at when they meet you is your dress sense. I remember the day I went to see a celebrity. As he walked in, the first thing he did was to look at me from head to toe. After that, he said, “Good afternoon Mr. Ifeanyi.” I was shocked but not surprised. That incident thought me a great lesson.

If someone is seeing you for the first time, he will base his judgement about you on your appearance. If you dress shabiliy, you will portray yourself negatively.

Do you know that new members can judge a church or a fellowship based on the appearance of the leaders? A new member went to fellowship somewhere. After looking at the rag the leaders were putting on, he said to himself, “I don’t have a future here.” You may say he is carnal, but the leaders should have advertised the God they are worshipping in an excellent manner.

It is absolutely amazing how people are held back, year after year because no one has ever taken them aside and told them how important their external appearance is to getting paid what they are truly worth.

A great man said, “I have personally studied the importance of image in business for many years. I have read dozens of books and articles and taught thousands of people. I can tell you with great assurance that how you look is going to have a major effect on how far you go and how fast you get there.”

The first rule is that you should always dress for success in your job and in your company. Look at the top people in your industry. Look at the top people in your company.

Look at the pictures in newspapers and magazines of the men and women who are being promoted to positions of higher responsibility and who are succeeding in similar careers. Pattern yourself after them.

Corporate Colors

There are specific colors and color combinations that are more acceptable in professional circles. You can never go to any bank for example and see someone who is wearing an orange, yellow or white suit. It’s always dark colors like, gray, black, dark blue etc. If you are going for a corporate meeting and decide to wear a yellow suit, you will look funny.

There is a lot of talk today about casual dress. It turns out that the people who are allowed to dress casually at work are back-office people. They are not people upon whom the future of the company depends.

Even in places like Silicone Valley, or people who are into technology where it is a badge of honor to dress down completely, the young executives keep tailored suits in their offices, which they put on when they are visited by a customer or an investor. They know the importance of image.

If you are a person with a future, don’t dress like a person without one. Dress like you are going somewhere in your life. And if everyone around you decides upon casual dress, this is all the better for you. You will stand out and look better to everyone who can have a positive influence on your career.

If you walk into a major market like Alaba International Market or Trade Fair in Lagos, and see a man that is putting on a well tailored suit sitting in his shop, you will notice him immediately because he is different. While every other person is putting on casual wears, he is putting on a well tailored suit. Positive image separates you from the crowd.

First Impression

People judge you in the first five seconds. They will then grant you approximately twenty seconds more before they make a final decision and store this judgement away in their subconscious mind. After that, it is very hard for a person to change his or her first impression of you. And you never get a second chance to make a good first impression.

How do you feel when you meet someone who has bad breath the second time? You will be cautious. Although the person may have worked hard to get rid of the bad breath, but that first impression is forever stored up in your subconscious mind. That’s why you should take image serious.

Fully 95 percent of the first impression you make will be determined by your clothes. This is because your clothes cover fully 95 percent of your body.

Always strive to look like a winner all the time. Look like a valuable and important person. Look like a person with a great future who is going somewhere in life. No matter what anyone says, human beings are very strongly affected by the dress of other people. Your goal is to dress so that you look excellently in every business meeting.

In conclusion, always remember that your appearance determines how people will judge you especially in the corporate world. It is not the price of the clothes that matters, it is how clean and well fitted they are. Somebody somewhere is watching you closely. Endeavor to surprise him or her.

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