There are Two Sets of People On Earth

The first set of people are those who got married to hope. They are hoping that tomorrow will be better than today. They are hoping that they will wake up one day and suddenly become successful. Everything about them is hope–unfortunately, hope is not a plan. Hope will sustain you in the midst of the storm, but it does not strategise on how to give the storm a bloody nose.

The second type of people are those who have a well crafted masterplan for their lives. Nothing takes them by surprise because they would have thought about it and plan in advance.

They don’t wake up in the morning and start thinking about what to do that day. They can’t crossover into a new year without a detailed plan on what to do with the year. They have personal, professional, spiritual, financial and family plans. They live an organized life and that is why they are highly successful.

Statistics shows that about two-thirds of people in every nation do not have goals or plans. No wonder one percent of the world’s population controls over fifty percent of the world’s wealth!

Success is not a product of magic. Success is not a mystery. Success is a product of deliberate actions. If your actions and steps are not deliberate, you’ll keep beating about the bush.

Either you follow the already defined path and succeed, or you follow the easy way out and join the camp of strugglers. An unplanned life is not worth living. Failing to plan is deliberately begging poverty to pay you a special visit.

I want to help you to strategically plan for 2020. I will not only teach you how to plan, we will practice how to do it at the next Business and Career Conference holding at Olive Guest House, G.R.A., Onitsha, Anambra State, on the 22nd December, 2019.

Admission is N12,000. Click this link and book your seat or through King’s Uncommon Wisdom Limited. 0141855113. GTBank.

We have just 20 SPOTS remaining. The earlier you book your seat, the better.

For more information, kindly call Godwin on 07032681154.

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