The Fear of Failure and the Rise of Generational Transformers!

May years ago, I vowed never to become a conformist. I vowed to be different. I vowed to help equip people to positively turn the world upside down. I knew it won’t be easy, but I feel miserable telling people what God will do and not what they can do with God. I abhor teaching people how to pacify their misery. I teach them how to step out of the box and be different.

When we tell Christians that failure is bad, we end up encouraging them to recoil in their comfort zones. When we tell them that failure is an enemy, we encourage them keep waiting for success without their input. That is the bane of African Christianity.

When I hear people say, “every spirit of failure around me, I command you to die,” I shudder. Why? Because failure is the pathway to the land of opportunities. Every great man and woman you know today failed their way to the top. They kept trying and trying until they succeeded.

Recently, I watched the interview with Elon Musk who is known for the dangerous risks he takes in business. He founded Tesla, the electric car company. And presently, he is running SpaceX.

Space Exploration Technologies Corp., doing business as SpaceX, is a private US aerospace manufacturer and space transportation services company headquartered in Hawthorne, California. It was founded in 2002 by Elon Musk with the goal of reducing space transportation costs to enable the colonization of Mars.

Isn’t that crazy? The company has experimented flying to space many times and failed. He was asked, “That’s the third failure in a row. Don’t you think you need to pack this up?” He said, “Never. I don’t ever give up.”

He said, ” I tried hard to hire a chief engineer for SpaceX, but the good ones don’t want to join us. So I became the chief engineer!”

That is the attitude of winners. Although he had blown away millions of dollars in those experiments, he is not backing out. That’s crazy! Isn’t it?

By the way, how can someone ever imagine transporting people to Mars in other to colonize it? It takes a man who knows that failure is the pathway to success to even imagine that.

But over here, everybody is coached and encouraged to be afraid of failure. That is why we are running normal businesses, establishing normal schools, conducting normal training, preaching normal messages, chasing normal dreams and generally aiming for normal life.

You hardly see anyone who is chasing an abnormal goal–goals that doesn’t make sense to anybody. You hardly see anyone preaching abnormal messages. Everybody is conforming to the standard set by others.

That is why when people say negative things about my vision and goals, I move away from them. They want me to conform to their standard, but it can never happen. Great men and women do abnormal things. They do crazy things. They dare to stand out. They dare to be different and that is why they end up as agents of transformation and road pointers!

Don’t allow anybody to make you feel you’re making a mistake because your strategies do not conform to their standard. Be unique. Be different. Be daring. Get out of the box. Don’t be afraid of failure. See failure as a vehicle that will take you straight to the top.

Many yeas ago, Apple Inc. said the following in their advert.

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”~Rob Siltanen

The people that are changing the way we live are not normal. They think crazy thoughts. They take crazy steps. They do not conform, they transform. They do not fear failure, they ride on the tides of failure. When they encounter challenges, they go after it with the tenacity of a bulldog until they conquer it. That’s why they are champions!

Are you one of them? Then join me at the Business and Career Conference holding at Transcorp Hilton hotel, Abuja, on the 14th September, 2019. For more information, check the handbill below.

Share your thought at the comment section below.

If you wish to order my books and audio programs, call 07032681154 or click this link

Keep soaring!

Copyright 2019: Reprint, curation, adaptation, or re-posting this article without the consent or approval of

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  1. It can be scary to think out of the box so it requires clarity of purpose. I know and believe that it is the way to break barriers and launch into new frontiers. Thanks for sharing.

  2. It’s very nice that i lived to see people like you. Many years ago, Christians had been sold out to some wrong teachings but my joy is that there are countless of us that are desirous of change. We will certainly change the old narrative s .Keep the good work on sir.

  3. Great article Sir… This is mind blowing. This is what we need to know in our generation… God bless you sir. You are a gift to our world

  4. This is awesome. Genius, champions don’t fear failure. They face and conquer it. David was not afraid of Goliath but rather he ran towards him, and brought him down. Hmmm, thank you Sir.

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