From Trying to Bribe God to True Salvation; the Cornelius Experience (Bible Study)

From Trying to Bribe God to True Salvation; the Cornelius Experience (Bible Study)

While studying Acts chapter 10 the other day, I discovered that many people are behaving like Cornelius. He was not a bad person, he loved God, but he wasn’t a believer. He did everything Christians do, but he was not saved. There are non-Christians that can pray all through the night. They are yet to…

You are Supernaturally Wired for Unprecedented Success!

You are Supernaturally Wired for Unprecedented Success!

Success is the achievement of something that you have been trying to do. Success is the achievement of something valuable  within a specified period of time or within a specified parameter. Success can also mean completing an objective or reaching a goal. Success means many things to many people. To some people, success should not be mentioned because it is evil. To others, success is succeeding…

The Courage to Start

The Courage to Start

The Newton’s First Law of Motion states that, “Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.” Nothing happens by chance. Great results are products of calculates steps. Until you take the first step, nothing will change around you….

The Power of Branding

The Power of Branding

Two companies can manufacture the same product, but one will end up as the market leader while the other struggle to stay afloat. That is the secret is branding. If two hundred similar products are on the same shelf in a store, can customers easily spot your product? Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are in the same…