Dear Eagle, Stop Associating With Vultures!

I am a strong believer in quality friendship. I believe that no one can achieve his or her dream or aspirations alone; we need people. But, we must not associate with every John, Johnson and Janet!

The company you keep will determine whether you will run faster or slower in life. The company you keep will determine what accompanies you.

Whom You follow determines what follows you. Your association will determine your destination. Your association will determine the size of your allocation.

One of the easiest ways to know whether your friends are vultures or not is to find out whether they are genuinely happy for your successes or try very hard to stop you, discourage you, and slander you in your absence.

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The worst kind of friends are those who are in competition with you. They do everything you do. They compare your achievements with theirs. When you buy a car, they will check whether yours is better then theirs. They look for every opportunity to devalue your achievements. They are vultures, run for your dear life!

Zig Ziglar said, “If you want to fly with the eagles, you can’t continue to scratch with the turkeys.”

An eagle soars above 10,000 feet high in the sky. But vultures hang around local markets, searching for dead animals and leftovers. Eagles soar, vultures fly. Eagles live on top of mountain, vultures hang around dirty environments.

The day an eagle descends so low to befriend a vulture is the day it loses its place in the sky. The day you start associating with people who are in competition with you, is the day you bought your casket. Why? Because a jealous and competitive friend can poison you, or pay assassins to kill you.

Hang Around Right People

Make it a point of duty to associate with the kind of people that you like, admire, and want to be like sometime in the future. Associate with the kind of people that you look up to and would be proud to introduce to your friends and associates.

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The choice of a positive, goal-oriented reference group can do more to supercharge your career than any other factor.

By continued association with optimistic, results-oriented, go-ahead people, a previously average individual will begin to generate extraordinary results. This is why almost every major change in your life will be associated with a change in the people you live or work with.

You cannot afford to spend your time with people who are going nowhere in their lives, no matter how nice they are. In this sense, you must be selfish with regard to yourself and your future ambitions. You must set high standards for your friends and associates and refuse to compromise.

Nothing is wrong with making wrong friends especially when you were inexperienced. But it is unforgivable to continue to stay in a situation that is holding you back from realizing your full potential. The choice of people you associate with will have more of an impact on what you become than any other single factor.

Deliberately Cultivate Right Relationships

Anytime I see someone I like, especially those who are doing what I hope to do in the future, I find ways to associate with them. If it warrants buying gifts for them, I will do it just to be taught and mentored by them.

Personally, I don’t go into friendship for the sake of having people I can call my friends. I befriend those who are smarter than me, who are richer and more exposed than me so that I can get to their height.

If you are a lion cub and you want to become the king of the jungle, you better associate with lions that are already ruling the jungle. A lion cub that chooses to befriend other lion cubs will remain babies for life.

Winnie The Pooh said, “A friend is someone who helps you up when you’re down, and if they can’t, they lay down beside you and listen.”

Matshona Dhliwayo opined, “One friend in a storm is worth more than a thousand friends in sunshine.”

Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”

Wisdom is profitable to direct!

To order my books and teachings, call 07032681154 or click this link

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  1. Wonderful write up it all results onto self discipline and determinations Boss u are one in a million. God increase u more to mentor and raise future pillars nd leaders.

  2. God bless you richly. You are such an epitome of blessing to humanity. More grace to you to do exploits.

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