Just Jump!

If you listen to Ifeanyi A. C. Eze anywhere in the world, you must hear him say, “You have just one life to live, make your life count before you die.” That phrase is the fire that wakes me up when others are sleeping to do something that will add value to my life.

See, there is no better day to do anything meaningful in life. Just start. Jump! Today is the most important day of your life. What you fail to do right now will be one day old tomorrow.

Stop practising how to live because you don’t have a spare life. You have just this life, so live. Make things happen. While you are reading this, somebody just died right now. It could have been you. And once you die, there won’t be another opportunity to come back to life and pursue your dreams. So live!

Whenever people ask me the right time to establish a business or achieve something meaningful, I usually tell them to start immediately. The only way to start is to start. Just start right now!

Write that book, make that call, propose to that lady, build that house, look for that international business partner, meet that mentor, design that house, write that proposal, give your life to Christ, stop that habit, meet that government official, apply for that job, apply for that degree program, just do it! Jump! I said, jump right now! Step out, make mistakes, learn from it and keep jumping.

Can’t you see that you are getting older by the day? Stop waiting and start taking practical steps to make your dream come true.

Just Jump! Yes, Jump!

Ifeanyi A. C. Eze is an Author, Inspirational Speaker and a Business Consultant.


Copyright 2019: www.ifeanyieze.com. Reprint, curation, adaptation, or re-posting this article without the consent or approval of www.ifeanyieze.com is a copyright theft.



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