Luck Is Not a Strategy

Whenever someone attains a great height, people usually say that the person is lucky. “John is truly lucky, that’s why he got that contract.” “Janet is a lucky girl, that is why she is working in a multinational company.” “Sinach is so lucky, that is why Way Maker is topping charts across the world.”

So, people are simply waiting for their lucky break while everything around them is breaking down.

A gambler goes to the gambling centre daily hoping that luck will deposit $1 million into his bank account. A business owner who knows nothing about business growth is waiting for luck to grow his business.

A student who was partying all through the academic session goes to God a day to their exam and demand for luck to pass the exam he did not prepare for. A pastor blesses his pen so that the pen will download the answers.

An employee goes to work daily to gist with coworkers. Meanwhile, he cannot point to any value he added to the organization. He is waiting for luck to hand him a promotion letter this year.

An idle man gets married without having a dime. All he has is luck. He is hoping that by getting married, money will start rolling in without his input. He is waiting for lucky money.

Nigerian athletes that will be competing at the next Olympic Games are not yet in the camp. Few weeks to the Olympics the sports authority will invite them for camping. Before heading to the Olympics, they will invite an annoited man of God to prophesy medals to them. They want to win medals by luck against opponents that have been training for the same Olympics for the past five years.

A tailor makes a pair of trousers, one leg will be shorter then the other. When the customer complains he will simply pull it down and say it is now okay.

Africans want God to do everything for them. Governments are waiting for God to come down from heaven to govern for them. Most of us are simply waiting for luck to suddenly smile at us and take us to eldorado.

Unfortunately, luck is an illusion. Luck is not real. Luck is not a strategy. Luck cannot be trusted. Luck is not a down payment for a house or car. Luck is not any nations currency. Stop waiting for luck.

Michael Korda opined, “Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility. In the final analysis, the one quality that all successful people have is the ability to take on responsibility.”

There Is A Price for the Prize
People often associate great achievements with a number of things: luck, timing, circumstances, or natural talent. The secret of a person’s success often appears to be an elusive quality.

The University of Chicago did a five-year study on leading artists, athletes, and scholars to determine what made them successful.

Conducted by Dr. Benjamin Bloom, the research was based on anonymous interviews with the top twenty performers in various fields.

Included were a variety of professionals such as concert pianists, Olympic swimmers, tennis players, sculptors, mathematicians, and neurologists.

Bloom and his team of researchers probed for clues as to how these high achievers developed. For a more complete picture, they also interviewed their families and teachers.

The report stated conclusively that drive, determination, and desire, not great natural talent, led to the extraordinary success of these individuals.

To stand out in life you must be ready to play your part. You must be ready to pay the required price. You must be determined to keep chasing after that dream until it becomes a reality.

Sitting at home and waiting for luck to smile on you will lead to abject poverty. It is good to pray, it is also good to hope for the best, but hope is not a strategy. Luck is not a strategy.

Michael Phelps, an American swimmer won 23 gold medals at the Olympics right from Athens Olympics in 2004 to Rio Olympics in 2016. In Beijing Olympics in 2008, he won eight gold medals which is an Olympic record.

How did he get to that level? Through luck? Not at all. Michael Phelps practices in the swimming pool for six hours daily. Success is not a product of magic or luck, if you pay the required price God will back you up for unprecedented success.

Colin Powell, former U.S. Defense Secretary said, “A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.”

Thomas Jefferson, former President of the United States opined, “I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.”

Tim Notke, basketball coach said, “Hard work beats talent if talent doesn’t work hard.”

Wisdom is profitable to direct!

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  1. All perfectly true. Luck is determination and hard work put in place. So nothing comes by luck.

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