Nothing Grows Until You Grow.

Whenever business owners and some professionals meet me, they usually complain that their organisations are not growing. The reason is simple; the owners and managers of these businesses and organisations are not growing.

I am sure you know about the Law of the Lid. You capacity or ability determines the size your organisation. If your capacity is at level 7, then your business or organisation can never exceed level 6. The bigger your capacity, the bigger your organisation becomes. The smaller your capacity, the smaller your organisation.

Relevant knowledge is the major factor that engenders business growth in the 21st century. Can’t you see how young people are raising millions of dollars across Africa to run their startups? Those businesses will be taking to the stock market in few years time and both the founders and investors will make millions of dollars from their effort. Meanwhile, some people that established businesses twenty years ago are yet to generate $5 million in revenue.

Few months ago, we analyzed the businesses of some late multi-millionaires from a certain part of Nigeria and discovered that their companies went to the grave with them. Why? Lack of capacity. They refused to develop themselves. They refused to learn how to perpetuate their ideas.

They saw personal development as a waste of money, and kept receiving chieftancy titles until everything they laboured to build disappeared few years after their death.

The most important factor that determines the growth and future of any organisation is the capacity of both the owner and the people that runs it with him.

That is why we put together Exponential Growth Conference. I want to show you how to develop the right capacity that is required to compete favourably in the 21st century.

Grab this opportunity with both hands. We have few spots remaining. Admission is N8,000. King’s Uncommon Wisdom Limited. 0141855113. GTBank.

The venue is Villa Park hotel, by 2nd Rainbow bus stop, Amuwo Odofin, Lagos State. The date is Sunday, 17th November, 2019. Time is 11:30AM.

Click this link for detailed information about the conference.

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One Comment

  1. What an article Sir. I can’t thank God enough for using you to enrich us; me in particular. Bigger you I pray

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