Spiritual Stability

Spiritual Stability

There are people whose spiritual lives are hot today and cold tomorrow. Today they are bubbling in the spirit, tomorrow they are struggling to find the right words during prayer. That is not the plan of God for you. God wants you to remain spiritually rugged. That is why He said through brother Paul; “Finally,…

A Life of Impact

A Life of Impact

While speaking at Ibadan (Oyo State) yesterday, I told the audience that it is the impact you are making now that will imortalize you. It may not be deliberate. It could be the hunger to make a difference that drove you to touch lives and affect a generation. History has shown that in every generation,…

The Size of Your Company Is Dependent of The Capacity of the Managers

The Size of Your Company Is Dependent of The Capacity of the Managers

In building construction, depth determines height. How deep the foundation is determines how high the building will become. If you remove the roof of a bungalow and add three storeys on top of it, it will definitely collapse one day. Business does not grow by itself. Every corporation you know today is a product of…

Character Matters

Character Matters

I strongly believe that no matter how crazy you are in the things of God, the world will not know until they see it in your conduct. You may be good in dissecting the Bible, but your lifestyle will say otherwise. While traveling from Uromi (Edo State) to Onitsha after speaking engagement this morning, something…

You Are Saved to Reign

You Are Saved to Reign

A young man said to me; “Good day Mr. Ifeanyi A. C. Eze. “Is it a sin for believers to become very wealthy?” So, I decided to answer him with this article. I think one of the mistakes the early believers across Africa made was preaching the gospel that encouraged people to become lazy. While…

Three Additional Things You Must Do Before January 1st

Three Additional Things You Must Do Before January 1st

Did you act on the first part of this  article? I am sure you did. It is the application of knowledge that determines whether it’s going to be profitable to you or not. So take those steps right now! Every year you have 365 days, 8,760 hours, and 525,600 minutes. Most people will use all…